The work of the Higher Education Department was to be done originally in the name of the Education Department of the Government of West Bengal in which the works of the present-day departments of
(1) Technical Education & Training (2) Mass Education Extension (3) School Education were also performed. In terms of the Notification No 5106-A.R. dated the 21st April 1988, the Department of Education was first, bifurcated and the Department of Mass Education Extension was created to deal with amongst others, the subject of adult education and some other matters so long being looked after by the Higher Education wing of the erstwhile Education Department. In terms of the Notification No 16129-A.R. dated the 29th June 1991, the Department of Technical Education & Training was created. All works relating to the Polytechnics which were so long being done by the Higher Education wing of the erstwhile Education Department, were taken over by the newly created department. Finally, the Education Department lost its identity and in its place, were created two departments - School Education Department and the Higher Education Department in terms of Notification No 670-Home (Cons) dated, the 8th Nov 1995. As per Rules of Business of the Government as amended in terms of the above-mentioned Notifications as well as the Notification No 253-Home (Cons) dated, the11th Sept 2000, the main function of this Department includes, promotion and regulation of Higher Education and cultural development including technical/specialized education in the State.